Retiro Mujer Tantrika – 2024

Retiro Mujer Tantrika

Self-love, healing and female empowerment

November 13 to 17
Casa Alegre, Alicante

Treat yourself to a Tantra Retreat for women to connect with your feminine essence and all the wisdom, power and pleasure that is in you.

What will you live

en Female Tantrik?

Give yourself 5 days to disconnect from everything and reconnect with yourself, with pleasure, relaxation, nature... And feel the awakening of your feminine essence thanks to meditation, dance and the special practices of Tantra and Tao for women.

Fall in love with yourself, grow in self-love and self-confidence. Together we will give space to those emotional wounds that your heart brings to heal from loving presence and emotional and trauma awareness. You will learn to be with yourself and your pain. You will return home relieved and light.

Activate and align your sexual energy, with the love energy of your heart and your feminine intuition thanks to a powerful tantrika practice with breathing, dance, mutes and mantras. A powerful activation of the 3 most important feminine Chakras: Svadhisthana – the womb, Anahata – the Heart and Ajna – the third eye.

Do you love dance? And the Rituals? Then you will love this initiation to Kali, Tara and Sundari! For the first time in Spain and in Spanish I will give this initiation to the 3 Tantrika goddesses. A magical ancestral ritual “Shakti Pooja” where, thanks to classical Indian dance and the malas, we will be Goddess and temple at the same time, each of us.

Receive the wisdom of the Tao about your female genitals in a class on Yoni Reflexology where you will learn how it relates to the organs of your body and your emotions. Then you can heal your sexual traumas from the privacy of your home with Yoni Self-Massage.

Open yourself to pleasure beyond sexual or genital pleasure that you know and experience the orgasmic capacity of your body and your nervous system. Your wife, you are orgasmic. All your cells can vibrate in pleasure and joy.

Living your emotions in a conscious, healthy and safe way is possible. I teach you how. We will go through 9 different emotions together, from the most difficult to the most pleasant, thanks to a beautiful tantrika meditation with music and movement, which I will combine with somatic therapy techniques and regulation of the nervous system. A gift for life.

This Tantra Retreat will accompany you with a therapeutic approach from somatic techniques, so that your body and nervous system can integrate everything you have experienced. This is a big difference with other approaches to Tantra, yes, this is a Spiritual Retreat, but we do not forget that we are human and what that means. Because from there, from your humanity, is where you can access true spirituality. The opposite is neither real nor healthy.

Enjoy the magic that happens when women unite in love and sisterhood to support each other and share with words our wisdom, life, experience, feelings. A collective healing and empowerment from authentic expression and compassionate listening.

Chanting Mantras is one of my favorite and most powerful Classical Tantra practices. It helps us free the voice and unblock the throat. Heal the wound of fear to our free expression and identity. And together we co-regulate our nervous systems by activating the vagus nerve through the vibration of sound and the union of our voices.

Join the Tantrika School Women's Tantrika Community and experience the wonder of sharing this journey of self-discovery with other women like you. Here you will find brotherhood, both during the in-person retreat and afterwards online. You will have a great support network that will accompany you on your path of personal and spiritual growth.

Connecting with nature and silence is one of the best actions we can take for our health and well-being. And in this Women's Retreat we will create the perfect balance between activity and rest, sharing and silence. So that nature and its silence bring us that inner peace that we long for.

An oasis of peace and life

Happy House

A rural house full of charm, with more than 200 years of history, transformed into a retreat space to connect with nature and your essence. A space of peace and life.

Happy House It is located in the mountains of Tibi (Alicante) and surrounded by more than 700 m2 of pure nature, with a privileged warm climate and just 25 minutes from Alicante and the most beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean coast.

The House was renovated to offer maximum comfort and modernity without losing its rural and simple essence. It has large outdoor spaces, two beautiful interior rooms for meditations and practices, and several interior spaces where you can relax and share. It has rooms for two, three and five people with single beds and multiple bathrooms. With central heating and wifi throughout the house.

And it offers a delicious vegetarian ovolacte diet that includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition to a variety of fruits and infusions throughout the day. Pure love and abundance. A dream for a Women's Retreat.

Beautiful spaces available to us

The House

Outdoor spaces


Interior spaces

Meditation rooms

The rooms

What does the Retiro Mujer Tantrika?

5 days / 4 nights of accommodation in a room with 2, 3 or 5 beds.

5 days full board with delicious vegetarian ovo-dairy food.

700 m² forest with dream surroundings
and outdoor room.

Two interior rooms for our meditations and Tantrika practices.

The entire program of activities of the Tantrika Woman Retreat.

Online group monitoring with 1 3-hour Zoom session on November 26.

Recordings of some classes and meditations from the Retreat available to you.

Surprises and gifts from the heart.

Self-love, healing and female empowerment

surrounded by women like you

Retirement Program

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Wednesday, November 13

16:00 | Welcome to the Hotel.
18:00 | Welcome to the Tantrika Woman Retreat and women's circle.
21:00 | Dinner and relaxation together.

Thursday, November 14

09:00 | Breakfast.
10:30 | Morning Tantra workshop.
13:30 | Food and relaxation.
16:00 | Afternoon Tantra workshop.
20:30 | Dinner and relax.
22:00 | Evento Noche. Ecstatic Dance.

Friday, November 15

09:00 | Breakfast.
10:30 | Morning Tantra workshop.
13:30 | Food and relaxation.
16:00 | Afternoon Tantra workshop.
20:30 | Dinner and relax.
22:00 | Night Event. Kirtan

Saturday November 16

09:00 | Breakfast.
10:30 | Morning Tantra workshop.
13:30 | Food and relaxation.
16:00 | Afternoon Tantra workshop.
20:30 | Dinner and relax.
22:00 | Night Event. Ritual.

Sunday, November 17

09:00 | Breakfast.
10:30 | Women's Farewell Circle.
13:00 | Testimonials and souvenir photos.
14.:30| Food and relaxation.
17:00 | Departure from the Hotel.

If you feel a great
If in your heart...

This is your time to reserve a place!

First 10 places


Rest of places


Join us and awaken your feminine essence in a safe and loving space!

Tantrika Woman is an exclusive Women's Retreat with only 16 places available

You can also pay comfortably in installments! Write to me here to find out more.


I'm Anita Devi

International Tantra Facilitator and Mentor for women like you

Do you want to awaken your essence, be free and open your heart?

This is my mission and my message. There is nothing more powerful than love. And discovering it will change your life. I love inspiring and leading this Revolution of love!

In addition to being a Tantra Facilitator and Mentor with 15 years of experience, I am a Social Educator with training in psychology, emotional awareness, trauma and somatics.

And I have dedicated 20 years of my life to training in Tantra, Yoga and Meditation in the best classical and contemporary schools in India and the world. With special love for my teachers Astiko and Daniel Odier.

As an expert in Tantra and Tao for women, sexuality and the feminine cycle, I have accompanied thousands of women from Latin America, Europe and Asia, on the path of self-love, healing and female empowerment.

I am also the CEO and founder of Tantrika School. One of the largest Spanish-speaking Online Tantra schools, with a Tantrika Community that today exceeds 11,000 women. Where I teach my courses, the Tantrika Woman Training and personalized mentoring for women and couples.

It will be a pleasure to accompany you to awaken your essence of love!

Do you have questions?

Write me a WhatsApp and I'll be happy to respond.

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