Tantrika Woman – Training 2024

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Welcome to Tantrika School's Online Tantra Training for Women!

A 6-month personal and professional training, where you will awaken to your essence, learn the path of tantra and live a beautiful inner journey.

I am very happy to welcome you to this journey of self-love, healing and female empowerment that we are going to live thanks to Tantra!

Welcome to the Revolution of love!


Tantrika Woman combines the best methodology for Tantra Training: Weekly access to recorded content in mp3 videos and audios along with biweekly live Zoom group Mentoring sessions.

Our first live is on Tuesday, January 16 and from then on we see each other every two weeks, always on Tuesdays until the end in June.

You will receive the link to join on the same day of the live a few hours before in the WhatsApp chat and you also have the link always accessible here, in the school contents. 😉

All Tuesday live group Mentorings are recorded and uploaded to the school the next day, which is Wednesday, for those who cannot be present live.

That is why Wednesdays are the key day of the week where you will also have access to Content recorded in video and mp3 audio.

Every Wednesday you will be able to access the content of the Module that corresponds to that week where you will find Theory and Practice in different video and audio versions depending on the module.

I remind you that the system will not allow you to advance to the content of the next module without having completed the previous one.

The idea is each week to learn and explore/enjoy that practice or meditation, either by doing it once, or repeating it several times, or doing it once in full and then including a shorter version in your daily life. This will depend on you and your time availability. The commitment is with you. Make it easy and comfortable to enjoy it to the fullest.

Anita and María are here if you have questions, doubts or if you need technical help.

👉🏼 Write to us privately and we will help you directly.

Welcome to Tantrika Woman and this wonderful Community of Tantrika Women! I love you ♥️

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