Online courses
of Tantra and Tao for women

Cyclical Woman
Online Tantra Course for Women
Created for you to enjoy from home and at your own pace, without dates or times. Start whenever you want!
This Online Tantra and Female Cycle Course is open to all women. Would you like to know and love yourself just as you are? Feel connected to your body, your uterus and your feminine energy? Then this course is perfect for you.
In Cyclic Woman you will receive all the wisdom, practices and meditations you need to connect with the Cyclic Woman that you are and discover all the wisdom, power and pleasure that is in you. Fall in love with yourself and your female cycle!

Orgasmic Woman
Online Tantra Course for Women
Created for you to enjoy from home and at your own pace, without dates or times. Start whenever you want!
This Online Tantra and Female Sexuality Course is open to all women. Would you like to live a life full of pleasure? Are you ready to transform your sexuality? Then this course is perfect for you.
In Orgasmic Woman you will receive all the wisdom, practices and meditations you need to connect with the Orgasmic Woman that you are and expand your capacity to feel and enjoy the pleasure of living. Every woman is orgasmic, you too!