Cyclical Woman
Self-love, healing and female empowerment
Are you ready to know and love yourself unconditionally?
Do you dream of a life full of pleasure?
Awaken your feminine essence
I welcome you to Mujer Cíclica
CYCLICAL WOMAN is a Tantra Course created for self-love, sanction and female empowerment through Tantra and our menstrual – ovulatory cycle. Because we are Cyclical, like the Moon and the Earth, and there lies our FEMALE ESSENCE.
Shared for more than 12 years in Europe, Latin America and Asia, it is now available in this special online version, which in the last three years has changed the lives of thousands of women. Because?
Because all those changes that you experience every month, physical and hormonal, psychological and emotional, energetic and sexual, are normal and are the key to your happiness. But no one gave us the necessary education to live our cyclical feminine nature in a conscious and healthy way. And this Course is a loving invitation to know that cycle in depth and love yourself as you are.
To enjoy being a woman and being cyclical.
Most women live life against themselves and live their cycle with suffering, rejection, guilt and disgust. What if I told you that your cycle is an infinite source of wisdom, power and pleasure? That when you live disconnected from your uterus and your internal cycles you are disconnecting from all your feminine power and your creativity.
Your hormones and internal cycle are
connected to your sexuality
Thousands of Women like you have freed themselves from this disconnection, from suffering and from judging themselves.
And they live loving each other because they have discovered the beauty and meaning of being a Cyclic Woman thanks to this Online Course!
Can you imagine living life loving yourself as you are and taking advantage of that cyclical nature to create the life you want?
All those doubts and questions you have about yourself and your sexuality have an answer, you are cyclical! Nothing is wrong with you, not with your body or emotions, not with your sexuality. And when you know your Cyclic Sexuality, all that pleasure that is in you expands and you begin to enjoy being a woman!
Our feminine cycle is a divine source of
wisdom, power and pleasure
If you identify with these statements, this course is perfect for you!
- I want to know myself and love myself as I am.
- I want to feel full of life and energy.
- I want more self-esteem and self-confidence.
- I want to connect with my femininity and my uterus.
- I want to heal PMS, menstrual disorders and pain.
- I want to improve my Hormonal Balance.
- I want to empower my Sexuality.
- I want to be free from fear, pain, shame and guilt.
- I want to feel pleasure and expand my orgasmic capacity.
- I want to feel beautiful and sensual.
- I want to awaken my Inner Goddess.
- I want to know how to take good care of my health.
You are not alone, we are many women united transforming our sexuality like you
I'm Anita Devi
Tantra Facilitator and Social Educator
I'm Anita Devi. International Tantra Facilitator and Mentor for women like you who want to connect with her feminine essence and discover all her wisdom, power and pleasure.
I love inspiring and leading this Revolution of love! This is my mission and my message. There is nothing more powerful than love. And you woman, you embody love. You are love.
In addition to being a Tantra Facilitator and Mentor with 15 years of experience, I am a licensed Social Educator with training in psychology, emotional awareness, trauma and somatics.
And I have dedicated 20 years of my life to training in Tantra, Yoga and Meditation in the best classical and contemporary schools in India and the world. With special love for my teachers Astiko and Daniel Odier.
As an expert in Tantra and Tao for women, sexuality and the feminine cycle, I have accompanied thousands of women from Latin America, Europe and Asia, on the path of self-love, healing and female empowerment.
I am the CEO and founder of Tantrika School. One of the largest Spanish-speaking Online Tantra schools, with a Tantrika Community that today exceeds 11,000 women. Where I teach my courses, professional training and personalized mentoring for women and couples.
It will be a pleasure to accompany you to awaken your feminine essence with this Tantrika Woman Training 2025!
What does this online course include?
13 Modules with theory and practices
7 Meditations in Mp3
+ 20 Video Classes
Music playlists
1:1 session with 40' Anita
Complementary PDF Material
Access to the Tantrika Library
Mandala Luna
Do you feel a big yes in your heart?
You can start today
Cyclical Woman
What you learn and how
transform your life
- Learn about your female cycle and how to live it to its full potential.
- Learn to record your Cycle with the Moon Mandala.
- Discover natural gynecology and how to apply it to your intimate care.
- Find meaning and purpose in the physical, emotional, mental and sexual changes you experience each month.
- Know yourself like never before.
- Heals PMS, premenstrual symptoms and menstrual pains.
- Improve your hormonal balance.
- Get all the sex education you were never given.
- Grow in self-love, self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Awaken your inner goddess. Feel beautiful and sensual.
- Connect with your uterus and your creative power.
- Learn to meditate and all the benefits it brings to your life.
- Discover how to enjoy your sexuality to the fullest.
Testimonials from women like you
Frequently asked questions about the course
Cyclical Woman
Clear! Write me an email at and I will be happy to meet you and help you.
At Tantrika School we offer you payment by debit and credit card. And you can also write to us if you prefer to make a bank transfer or pay with PayPal. We will be happy to help you. Write us an email at
Enjoy your journey of self-love, healing and female sexual empowerment
Are you ready to love yourself unconditionally?
Do you dream of a life full of pleasure?
Welcome to Cyclic Woman.