¡Bienvenida al Módulo 3 del Curso Online Mujer Cíclica!
Este nuevo módulo “Tu Sangre Sagrada” es muy especial.
I don't know what your relationship is like with your menstruation but most women live in denial, discomfort, judgment and annoyance when they receive their blood. And many in a lot of pain and various sufferings.
We have not been educated to have a healthy relationship with that moment of bleeding in which we are so vulnerable, nor with our sacred blood that means so much. For many women, The Period is something to solve on a logistical level during those days of bleeding and symptoms, for others it is a nightmare that they just want it to end, etc. This course will help you make your periods less painful and annoying, and even less abundant. Thousands of women have discovered that this change towards a softer and more bearable cycle and menses was about menstrual hygiene and healthy eating habits along with bringing awareness and love to your blood, which is what it needs and deserves that moment. And the same, with your entire cycle using the Moon Mandala to record it and thus know and love you as you are. I am looking forward to learning about your discoveries and those changes that will happen in you as this course progresses.
Menstruation has been denied and hidden, as if it were not sacred, and it is, without it human life would not exist, which is no small thing. It is part of the creative process of life of the species that is in itself, all sacred, all a divine miracle, which makes us here, which makes life possible. And by the way, the human being has taken the same attitude with sex, which is the beginning of that process of creating life, instead of seeing what is divine and beautiful, and honoring and caring for it, he has denied and hidden it. As with blood.
Menstruation is part of a natural physiological process as a species and a feminine spiritual process that makes human life possible in this world, it is incredible what has happened over the centuries, but today you are here to make a change, to create a new way to live that moment. There are so many myths and taboos that have not allowed us to have a healthy and loving relationship with our blood. In that “learned self-contempt” a lack of love for yourself and your cycle was rooted, which must also be healed and reconciled. So that you love yourself all.
I give you this talk in mp4 video that I hope gives you what you need to create that new relationship with your menstruation from acceptance and love. Many of you will not be menstruating now but you can start with the advice, tips and practices proposed for the next time you receive your blood. Or share it with the women in your life who can take advantage of it. If you dare to “return your blood to the earth” or create art with your Blood, do it several times so that the magic and healing can happen.